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Online Lecture Registration

Yes! I am interested in more information about the 2012 Holiday Lectures on Science. I want to receive a FREE POSTER from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

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Please tell us:

Are you a teacher?

 Yes       No

If so, do you teach:

 K-5       6-8       9-12       College

Have you used class time to view a Holiday Lectures webcast?

 Yes       No

If so, was it:

 Live       On-demand

Have you used class time to view a Holiday Lectures DVD?

 Yes       No

When using video in your classroom, do you prefer it to be (check all that apply)?

 On DVD       Streaming from the web       Downloadable

How inconvenient would it be if the Holiday Lectures were only online, not DVD?

 Very       Somewhat       Not at all

Would shorter videos (~10 min) on focused topics be more useful than these in-depth lectures?

 Yes       No

Have you visited www.Biointeractive.org?

 Yes       No